3/1/23: Schedule and Study/Recreation Switching

As a high-school student, my day revolves around when I got to and from school. I have to wake up at seven and then I get home by fifteen. During that time, I only have a chromebook, and I'm antithetical to using Discord on it because I like to keep my personal and school lives ten feet apart. And I don't like to watch what videos I'd normally watch for the same reason and also I hate Google. So I'm pretty isolated from anything resembling my home schedule of "sit in bed and mess around on the internet". And yet, I already have all my credits (thanks to college credit stuff) so everything except my vocational is a study hall. That's a lot of offline-esque free time.

So what do I do? Well, past being a tech-hermit, I like to study. It could be music theory, plastics, electronics, if it can be put in a textbook I probably can be interested it. I read about these things or noodle on Scale Workshop or write stuff down in hastebin for 4 hours each day. And as it turns out, this is enough to get me into a working mood, as one will. I can just bang out a whole thing at school.

What I could probably do to keep this going when I get out of school is to still use an echo of its schedule: move downstairs and start my studies at something like nine, and then move back upstairs for recreation at something like fourteen. Then I settle down at twenty-three and get up at seven the next day. But this doesn't take into account my friends, who mainly revolve around the late side of a Central-Mountain clock and so are most active at midnight. I'm a very gregarious person, so it's obvious how that's an impasse.

2/27/23: Site redesign, starting a blog

Hi! I haven't updated this site in a while, have I? Maybe I should change that. So here's a blog, and the start of another big redesign. While it's not terrible, the design right now has some problems. It has garbage mobile support, the HTML is messy, the line length varies and is too long on desktops, Unifont is a sans-serif (and its charset is far too big for its use here), and it's just generally amateur. I can do better, so I'm changing it. This is also going to include deleting old pages I dont care about, sorry to anyone who cares about that. And I'll have to disable the image background too, which I'll miss.

The first changes I'll be making are switching to either Adobe Source or IBM Plex (I'll try IBM Plex first but I don't like Plex Serif's spotty character support), changing the body text to better match the considerations of Matthew Butterick's Practical Typography, essential design things like that. I'll then focus on more long-term changes like figuring out the background again and other less-important design things, figuring out JavaScript for notes and reactive design, etc. Hopefully, I won't abandon it like the last big redesign.

This is also going to be the start of a blog. I've tried a bunch to get into microblog-type social media like Mastodon and Cohost, and I've bounced off of them every time for whatever reason. So, I'm just going to toss them entirely and try this instead. I'll probably use this for a combination of site updates and also what I find cool at the moment.