3/1/23: Schedule and Study/Recreation Switching
As a high-school student, my day revolves around when I got to and from school. I have to wake up at seven and then I get home by fifteen. During that time, I only have a chromebook, and I'm antithetical to using Discord on it because I like to keep my personal and school lives ten feet apart. And I don't like to watch what videos I'd normally watch for the same reason and also I hate Google. So I'm pretty isolated from anything resembling my home schedule of "sit in bed and mess around on the internet". And yet, I already have all my credits (thanks to college credit stuff) so everything except my vocational is a study hall. That's a lot of offline-esque free time.
So what do I do? Well, past being a tech-hermit, I like to study. It could be music theory, plastics, electronics, if it can be put in a textbook I probably can be interested it. I read about these things or noodle on Scale Workshop or write stuff down in hastebin for 4 hours each day. And as it turns out, this is enough to get me into a working mood, as one will. I can just bang out a whole thing at school.
What I could probably do to keep this going when I get out of school is to still use an echo of its schedule: move downstairs and start my studies at something like nine, and then move back upstairs for recreation at something like fourteen. Then I settle down at twenty-three and get up at seven the next day. But this doesn't take into account my friends, who mainly revolve around the late side of a Central-Mountain clock and so are most active at midnight. I'm a very gregarious person, so it's obvious how that's an impasse.